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Classwork: Global Convergence (6)

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we start a reading, the questions will be due the next day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available after school for homework (unless there are other instructions). The attached Google Forms correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

Colonial Rivalries in North America

The French, the Dutch, the Swedish, and the English focused on exploring and settling North America’s east coast. Over time, it became clear that North America would yield neither vast treasure nor a northwest passage, a water route to Asia through present-day Canada. Still, North America proved to be a land of opportunity.

Homework: Early Modern Europe & Global Convergence Checkpoint (6)

Please finish this five question checkpoint that corresponds with the readings we finished today in class.

NOTE: You must get every question right in order to submit.

Google Classroom

May 18

Classwork: Global Convergence (5)

May 19

Classwork: Cornell Notes