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Classwork: Early Medieval Europe (6)

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we start a reading, the questions will be due the next day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available after school for homework (unless there are other instructions). The attached Google Forms correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

Revival of Towns and Trade

Picture yourself in this scene of life in the Middle Ages. You would have labored with your parents in fields that belonged to the local lord. Like most people of your age, you would not have attended school. You and your family would have lived without much hope of freedom or change.

But in the distance you might have glimpsed something that promised a better life-the walls of a town. In towns, peasants found more opportunity. Towns offered markets where peasants could sell crops. Crops could also be traded for other goods. By the 1000s, the towns were growing richer as trade increased. The increase in trade was brought about, in part, by better ways of farming.

Google Classroom

October 6

Classwork: Early Medieval Europe (5)

October 8

Classwork: Early Medieval Europe Vocabulary Quiz