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Religion & The Crusades Socratic Seminar

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Religion & The Crusades Socratic Seminar

Look over the provided documents as well as the sections of the textbook concerning Christianity, Islam, and the Crusades. Come up with a number of questions that you would like to ask based on each of the primary topics of conversation. Then, you will want to come up with a few facts on each topic that you find interesting and finally, a quote or two concerning each topic. Remember, your questions should be open-ended! You do not want to have any “yes or no” questions.

The Socratic Seminar

Throughout the entire class period, we are going to be having an open-ended discussion concerning Christianity, Islam, and the conflicts between the two religions (particularly the Crusades). It is important that questions asked during the seminar are open-ended and that answers often shift back towards the initial question or a new question entirely. This allows the seminar to go forward without a great amount of moderation. This is not a debate, but if you have a difference of opinion, that is okay! Express that opinion in a respectful manner. It is also okay to ask for clarification, ask for sources, and viewpoints. The goal throughout the seminar is to discuss the spread of the world's two largest religions as well as the Crusades.

Google Classroom

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