World History Assignments

Filtering by: “High Medieval Europe & Islam”

Conflict Between Popes and Monarchs (1)

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


High Medieval Europe & Islam Readings

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we start a reading, the questions will be due the next day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available after school for homework (unless there are other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

Conflict Between Popes and Monarchs

Charlemagne was able to unite much of Western Europe. After his death, however, his empire split apart. The collapse of Charlemagne’s empire left Western Europe open to invasion. It also led to the development of a new system of life called feudalism.

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Oversimplified Video (War of the Bucket)

First Period: 8:30am to 9:13am

Second Period: 9:16am to 9:59am

Third Period: 10:12am to 10:55pm


Oversimplified: War of the Bucket

We will be watching a YouTube video from the Oversimplified channel. The video goes over the War of the Bucket and also discusses the conflicts between the Holy Roman Emperors and the Pope.

Watch the Video!

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England Takes Shape (2)

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


High Medieval Europe & Islam Readings

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

England Takes Shape

On Christmas Day in 1066, William, Duke of Normandy, was about to be crowned king of England at Westminster Abbey, near London. But William and his Norman knights were nervous. They had just seized power and were afraid of an uprising. When the English crowds outside began to cheer, the Normans misunderstood and panicked. They attacked the people and set fire to nearby houses.

Inside the great coronation church, the ceremony continued. As the crown was placed on William's head, the firelight from the burning houses flickered over the church walls. It was a fitting coronation for a warlord who had gained power by sword and flame.

Google Classroom

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Origins and Beliefs of Islam (3)

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


High Medieval Europe & Islam Readings

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

Origins and Beliefs of Islam

Today, Islam is the world’s second-most widely practiced faith, after Christianity. It emerged in the 600s in one of the harshest climate regions in the world.

If you were visiting any Muslim city in the world, you would likely wake up at dawn hearing the call to prayer chanted from one of the city’s houses of worship. In Arabic, you would hear “God is great. I bear witness that there is no God but God. I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God. Come to worship.” This call contains the most important beliefs of Islam—belief in one all-powerful God, and belief that Muhammad was God’s final messenger to human beings.

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High Medieval Europe & Islam Vocabulary Quiz & Expansion of the Muslim World (4)

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


High Medieval Europe & Islam Vocabulary Quiz (1)

Each unit will have one or two vocabulary quizzes that test how well you have learned key vocabulary words and concepts. Vocabulary quizzes are worth 25 points and the following is the breakdown:

  • 15 vocabulary matching questions (0.5 points each)

  • 3 academic vocabulary sentences (1 point each)

  • 4 multiple choice questions (0.5 points each)

  • 12.5 points are automatically given


  • Clearly

  • Authority

  • Standardized

  • Transform

  • Expand

  • Submission

Study with Quizlet!


High Medieval Europe & Islam Readings & Checkpoints

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

Expansion of the Muslim World

At the time of Muhammad’s death in 632, many tribes of Bedouin warriors had converted to Islam. United by Islam, these Arab tribes formed a powerful and skilled army. They began an expansion of Arab Muslim rule across three continents.

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Expansion of the Muslim World (4) & The Crusades (5)

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


High Medieval Europe & Islam Readings

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

Expansion of the Muslim World

At the time of Muhammad’s death in 632, many tribes of Bedouin warriors had converted to Islam. United by Islam, these Arab tribes formed a powerful and skilled army. They began an expansion of Arab Muslim rule across three continents.

The Crusades

In March 1096, farmers in northern France paused in their plowing to listen to a distant roar. It was the sound of a vast crowd of people singing hymns and calling others to join them. The farmers watched the approaching mob of peasants, some 20,000 strong, led by a man dressed as a hermit. The farmers immediately knew who he was. For months, Peter the Hermit had been calling on all Christians to join his fight to free Jerusalem. His preaching had inspired thousands to follow him. Like so many others before them, the farmers left their fields and became part of Peter the Hermit’s army.

The Crusades, a series of military campaigns to establish Christian control over the Holy Land, had begun. Over the next few centuries, wave after wave of peasants, soldiers, and kings would travel from Europe to the Middle East in pursuit of this goal. Their campaigns would reshape both Europe and the Middle East.

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The Crusades (5) & The Reconquista (6)

First Period: 8:30am to 9:13am

Second Period: 9:16am to 9:59am

Third Period: 10:12am to 10:55pm


High Medieval Europe & Islam Readings

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

The Crusades

In March 1096, farmers in northern France paused in their plowing to listen to a distant roar. It was the sound of a vast crowd of people singing hymns and calling others to join them. The farmers watched the approaching mob of peasants, some 20,000 strong, led by a man dressed as a hermit. The farmers immediately knew who he was. For months, Peter the Hermit had been calling on all Christians to join his fight to free Jerusalem. His preaching had inspired thousands to follow him. Like so many others before them, the farmers left their fields and became part of Peter the Hermit’s army.

The Crusades, a series of military campaigns to establish Christian control over the Holy Land, had begun. Over the next few centuries, wave after wave of peasants, soldiers, and kings would travel from Europe to the Middle East in pursuit of this goal. Their campaigns would reshape both Europe and the Middle East.

The Reconquista

By the early 700s, Muslims ruled most of the Iberian Peninsula, the peninsula where present-day Spain and Portugal are located. Under Muslim rule, a culture of great diversity developed there. Muslim, Jewish, and Christian communities exchanged knowledge and customs. But the political situation on the peninsula was unstable. Christian kingdoms waged a long campaign against the Muslims. In 1492, Spain’s multicultural society was finally swept away.

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The Crusades Skits

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


The Crusades Skits

You and your group will be assigned a a particular crusade or the Reconquista. You will need to create a 2-3 minute skit that demonstrates the causes and the consequences of your particular religious conflict.

Be Creative! There should be one narrator while the other four to five group members should be acting.

The groups will need to act out one of the following:

  • First Crusade

  • Second and Third Crusade

  • Fourth Crusade

  • The Reconquista

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The Crusades Skits

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


The Crusades Skits

You and your group will be assigned a a particular crusade or the Reconquista. You will need to create a 2-3 minute skit that demonstrates the causes and the consequences of your particular religious conflict.

Be Creative! There should be one narrator while the other four to five group members should be acting.

The groups will need to act out one of the following:

  • First Crusade

  • Second and Third Crusade

  • Fourth Crusade

  • The Reconquista

Google Classroom

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European Country Project Presentations

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


European Country Project

You will be creating a Google Slides presentation on the country of your choice, your slides should include:

  • Symbols of the country

  • How the country unified

  • Early history of the country

  • What the country was doing in the Middle Ages

  • Major conflicts the country was involved in

  • The country’s relationship with neighboring countries

  • Major cities and population centers

  • Form of government (both in the past and today)

  • Culture and traditions of the country

  • What the country is like today

Google Classroom

European Country Project Rubric

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European Country Project Presentations

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


European Country Project

You will be creating a Google Slides presentation on the country of your choice, your slides should include:

  • Symbols of the country

  • How the country unified

  • Early history of the country

  • What the country was doing in the Middle Ages

  • Major conflicts the country was involved in

  • The country’s relationship with neighboring countries

  • Major cities and population centers

  • Form of government (both in the past and today)

  • Culture and traditions of the country

  • What the country is like today

Google Classroom

European Country Project Rubric

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European Country Project Presentations

First Period: 8:30am to 9:13am

Second Period: 9:16am to 9:59am

Third Period: 10:12am to 10:55pm


European Country Project

You will be creating a Google Slides presentation on the country of your choice, your slides should include:

  • Symbols of the country

  • How the country unified

  • Early history of the country

  • What the country was doing in the Middle Ages

  • Major conflicts the country was involved in

  • The country’s relationship with neighboring countries

  • Major cities and population centers

  • Form of government (both in the past and today)

  • Culture and traditions of the country

  • What the country is like today

Google Classroom

European Country Project Rubric

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High Medieval Europe & Islam Assessment

High Medieval Europe & Islam Assessment



First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


High Medieval Europe & Islam Assessment

Each unit will have one summative assessment at the end that test how well you have learned key standards and ideas. Unit assessments are worth 50 points and the following is the standard breakdown:

  • 15 vocabulary matching questions (1 point each)

  • 5 true/false questions (1 point each)

  • 18 multiple choice questions (1 points each)

  • 3 short answer questions (4 points each)

  • 1 extra credit short answer question (4 point maximum)

Study with Quizlet!

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High Medieval Europe & Islam Assessment Review

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


High Medieval Europe & Islam Assessment

Each unit will have one summative assessment at the end that test how well you have learned key standards and ideas. Unit assessments are worth 50 points and the following is the standard breakdown:

  • 15 vocabulary matching questions (1 point each)

  • 5 true/false questions (1 point each)

  • 18 multiple choice questions (1 points each)

  • 3 short answer questions (4 points each)

  • 1 extra credit short answer question (4 point maximum)

Study with Quizlet!

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High Medieval Europe & Islam Outline

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


High Medieval Europe & Islam Outline

Fill out the High Medieval Europe & Islam Outline with a partner to review all of the information covered over the course of the unit. Once you finish, we will be going over an example outline as a class. If you are absent, please print out the attached PDF and watch the attached video to finish this assignment.

Note: This is a paper assignment, you will need to take a picture or add a video if we are online or you are on contract/independent study. If we are in-person, you do not need to do anything here.

Outline Packet

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High Medieval Europe & Islam Outline

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


High Medieval Europe & Islam Outline

Fill out the High Medieval Europe & Islam Outline with a partner to review all of the information covered over the course of the unit. Once you finish, we will be going over an example outline as a class. If you are absent, please print out the attached PDF and watch the attached video to finish this assignment.

Note: This is a paper assignment, you will need to take a picture or add a video if we are online or you are on contract/independent study. If we are in-person, you do not need to do anything here.

Outline Packet

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Christianity & Islam Quick Write & High Medieval Europe & Islam Outline

First Period: 8:30am to 9:13am

Second Period: 9:16am to 9:59am

Third Period: 10:12am to 10:55pm


Christianity & Islam Quick Write

Take some time to think about what you have learned about the development of Christianity and Islam. Think back to how both religions came about, what difficulties early followers faced, and how the religions spread throughout Europe and the Middle East. Now, answer the following questions:

  1. In what ways are Christianity and Islam similar? Different?

  2. Why were both religions seen as attractive to the lower classes and how would you react to either religion spreading to where you live?**

You should write two paragraphs, one for each question.

**For the second question, you must pretend that you are living in the medieval period with no knowledge of either religion from a modern perspective.

Google Classroom


High Medieval Europe & Islam Outline

Fill out the High Medieval Europe & Islam Outline with a partner to review all of the information covered over the course of the unit. Once you finish, we will be going over an example outline as a class. If you are absent, please print out the attached PDF and watch the attached video to finish this assignment.

Note: This is a paper assignment, you will need to take a picture or add a video if we are online or you are on contract/independent study. If we are in-person, you do not need to do anything here.

Outline Packet

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High Medieval Europe & Islam Vocabulary Quiz & European Country Project

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


High Medieval Europe & Islam Vocabulary Quiz (2)

Each unit will have one or two vocabulary quizzes that test how well you have learned key vocabulary words and concepts. Vocabulary quizzes are worth 25 points and the following is the breakdown:

  • 15 vocabulary matching questions (0.5 points each)

  • 3 academic vocabulary sentences (1 point each)

  • 4 multiple choice questions (0.5 points each)

  • 12.5 points are automatically given


  • Devotion

  • Circumstance

  • Establish

  • Region

  • Legal

  • Determined

  • Emphasize

  • Concept

Study with Quizlet!


European Country Project

You will be creating a Google Slides presentation on the country of your choice, your slides should include:

  • Symbols of the country

  • How the country unified

  • Early history of the country

  • What the country was doing in the Middle Ages

  • Major conflicts the country was involved in

  • The country’s relationship with neighboring countries

  • Major cities and population centers

  • Form of government (both in the past and today)

  • Culture and traditions of the country

  • What the country is like today

Google Classroom

European Country Project Rubric

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Achievements of Islamic Civilization (7)

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


High Medieval Europe & Islam Readings

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

Achievements of Islamic Civilization

As Islam spread to many different lands, a distinctive Muslim culture developed. Muslims in different regions combined Arab culture and Islam with the Persian, Byzantine, Indian, and other cultures that existed before the coming of Muslim rule. Muslim scholars shared ideas and learned from Christian and Jewish scholars. Together, they studied ancient writings from Greece, Persia, and India. This collaboration led to advances in science, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, and the arts.

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The Reconquista (6)

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


High Medieval Europe & Islam Readings

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

The Reconquista

By the early 700s, Muslims ruled most of the Iberian Peninsula, the peninsula where present-day Spain and Portugal are located. Under Muslim rule, a culture of great diversity developed there. Muslim, Jewish, and Christian communities exchanged knowledge and customs. But the political situation on the peninsula was unstable. Christian kingdoms waged a long campaign against the Muslims. In 1492, Spain’s multicultural society was finally swept away.

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The Crusades Skits

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


The Crusades Skits

You and your group will be assigned a a particular crusade or the Reconquista. You will need to create a 2-3 minute skit that demonstrates the causes and the consequences of your particular religious conflict.

Be Creative! There should be one narrator while the other four to five group members should be acting.

The groups will need to act out one of the following:

  • First Crusade

  • Second and Third Crusade

  • Fourth Crusade

  • The Reconquista

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The Crusades (5)

First Period: 8:30am to 9:13am

Second Period: 9:16am to 9:59am

Third Period: 10:12am to 10:55pm


High Medieval Europe & Islam Readings

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

The Crusades

In March 1096, farmers in northern France paused in their plowing to listen to a distant roar. It was the sound of a vast crowd of people singing hymns and calling others to join them. The farmers watched the approaching mob of peasants, some 20,000 strong, led by a man dressed as a hermit. The farmers immediately knew who he was. For months, Peter the Hermit had been calling on all Christians to join his fight to free Jerusalem. His preaching had inspired thousands to follow him. Like so many others before them, the farmers left their fields and became part of Peter the Hermit’s army.

The Crusades, a series of military campaigns to establish Christian control over the Holy Land, had begun. Over the next few centuries, wave after wave of peasants, soldiers, and kings would travel from Europe to the Middle East in pursuit of this goal. Their campaigns would reshape both Europe and the Middle East.

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Expansion of the Muslim World (4)

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


High Medieval Europe & Islam Readings

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

Expansion of the Muslim World

At the time of Muhammad’s death in 632, many tribes of Bedouin warriors had converted to Islam. United by Islam, these Arab tribes formed a powerful and skilled army. They began an expansion of Arab Muslim rule across three continents.

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High Medieval Europe & Islam Vocabulary Quiz & European Country Project

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


High Medieval Europe & Islam Vocabulary Quiz (1)

Each unit will have one or two vocabulary quizzes that test how well you have learned key vocabulary words and concepts. Vocabulary quizzes are worth 25 points and the following is the breakdown:

  • 15 vocabulary matching questions (0.5 points each)

  • 3 academic vocabulary sentences (1 point each)

  • 4 multiple choice questions (0.5 points each)

  • 12.5 points are automatically given


  • Clearly

  • Authority

  • Standardized

  • Transform

  • Expand

  • Submission

Study with Quizlet!


European Country Project

You will be creating a Google Slides presentation on the country of your choice, your slides should include:

  • Symbols of the country

  • How the country unified

  • Early history of the country

  • What the country was doing in the Middle Ages

  • Major conflicts the country was involved in

  • The country’s relationship with neighboring countries

  • Major cities and population centers

  • Form of government (both in the past and today)

  • Culture and traditions of the country

  • What the country is like today

Google Classroom

European Country Project Rubric

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Origins and Beliefs of Islam (3)

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


High Medieval Europe & Islam Readings

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

Origins and Beliefs of Islam

Today, Islam is the world’s second-most widely practiced faith, after Christianity. It emerged in the 600s in one of the harshest climate regions in the world.

If you were visiting any Muslim city in the world, you would likely wake up at dawn hearing the call to prayer chanted from one of the city’s houses of worship. In Arabic, you would hear “God is great. I bear witness that there is no God but God. I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God. Come to worship.” This call contains the most important beliefs of Islam—belief in one all-powerful God, and belief that Muhammad was God’s final messenger to human beings.

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England Takes Shape (2)

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


High Medieval Europe & Islam Readings

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

England Takes Shape

On Christmas Day in 1066, William, Duke of Normandy, was about to be crowned king of England at Westminster Abbey, near London. But William and his Norman knights were nervous. They had just seized power and were afraid of an uprising. When the English crowds outside began to cheer, the Normans misunderstood and panicked. They attacked the people and set fire to nearby houses.

Inside the great coronation church, the ceremony continued. As the crown was placed on William's head, the firelight from the burning houses flickered over the church walls. It was a fitting coronation for a warlord who had gained power by sword and flame.

Google Classroom

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Oversimplified Video (War of the Bucket)

First Period: 8:30am to 9:13am

Second Period: 9:16am to 9:59am

Third Period: 10:12am to 10:55pm


Oversimplified: War of the Bucket

We will be watching a YouTube video from the Oversimplified channel. The video goes over the War of the Bucket and also discusses the conflicts between the Holy Roman Emperors and the Pope.

Watch the Video!

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Conflict Between Popes and Monarchs (1)

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am


High Medieval Europe & Islam Readings

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we start a reading, the questions will be due the next day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available after school for homework (unless there are other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

Conflict Between Popes and Monarchs

Charlemagne was able to unite much of Western Europe. After his death, however, his empire split apart. The collapse of Charlemagne’s empire left Western Europe open to invasion. It also led to the development of a new system of life called feudalism.

Google Classroom

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European Country Project Presentations

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm


European Country Project

You will be creating a Google Slides presentation on the country of your choice, your slides should include:

  • Symbols of the country

  • How the country unified

  • Early history of the country

  • What the country was doing in the Middle Ages

  • Major conflicts the country was involved in

  • The country’s relationship with neighboring countries

  • Major cities and population centers

  • Form of government (both in the past and today)

  • Culture and traditions of the country

  • What the country is like today

Google Classroom

European Country Project Rubric

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European Country Project Presentations

European Country Project Presentations



Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm


European Country Project

You will be creating a Google Slides presentation on the country of your choice, your slides should include:

  • Symbols of the country

  • How the country unified

  • Early history of the country

  • What the country was doing in the Middle Ages

  • Major conflicts the country was involved in

  • The country’s relationship with neighboring countries

  • Major cities and population centers

  • Form of government (both in the past and today)

  • Culture and traditions of the country

  • What the country is like today

Google Classroom

European Country Project Rubric

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High Medieval Europe & Islam Assessment

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm


High Medieval Europe & Islam Assessment

Each unit will have one summative assessment at the end that test how well you have learned key standards and ideas. Unit assessments are worth 50 points and the following is the standard breakdown:

  • 15 vocabulary matching questions (1 point each)

  • 5 true/false questions (1 point each)

  • 18 multiple choice questions (1 points each)

  • 3 short answer questions (4 points each)

  • 1 extra credit short answer question (4 point maximum)

Study with Quizlet!

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High Medieval Europe & Islam Assessment Review

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm


High Medieval Europe & Islam Assessment

Each unit will have one summative assessment at the end that test how well you have learned key standards and ideas. Unit assessments are worth 50 points and the following is the standard breakdown:

  • 15 vocabulary matching questions (1 point each)

  • 5 true/false questions (1 point each)

  • 18 multiple choice questions (1 points each)

  • 3 short answer questions (4 points each)

  • 1 extra credit short answer question (4 point maximum)

Study with Quizlet!

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High Medieval Europe & Islam Outline

Second Period: 9:16am to 9:59am

Fourth Period: 10:58am to 11:41am

Fifth Period: 12:16pm to 12:59pm


High Medieval Europe & Islam Outline

Fill out the High Medieval Europe & Islam Outline with a partner to review all of the information covered over the course of the unit. Once you finish, we will be going over an example outline as a class. If you are absent, please print out the attached PDF and watch the attached video to finish this assignment.

Note: This is a paper assignment, you will need to take a picture or add a video if we are online or you are on contract/independent study. If we are in-person, you do not need to do anything here.

Outline Sheet

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Christianity & Islam Quick Write & High Medieval Europe & Islam Outline

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm


Christianity & Islam Quick Write

Take some time to think about what you have learned about the development of Christianity and Islam. Think back to how both religions came about, what difficulties early followers faced, and how the religions spread throughout Europe and the Middle East. Now, answer the following questions:

  1. In what ways are Christianity and Islam similar? Different?

  2. Why were both religions seen as attractive to the lower classes and how would you react to either religion spreading to where you live?**

You should write two paragraphs, one for each question.

**For the second question, you must pretend that you are living in the medieval period with no knowledge of either religion from a modern perspective.

Google Classroom


High Medieval Europe & Islam Outline

Fill out the High Medieval Europe & Islam Outline with a partner to review all of the information covered over the course of the unit. Once you finish, we will be going over an example outline as a class. If you are absent, please print out the attached PDF and watch the attached video to finish this assignment.

Note: This is a paper assignment, you will need to take a picture or add a video if we are online or you are on contract/independent study. If we are in-person, you do not need to do anything here.

Outline Packet

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High Medieval Europe & Islam Vocabulary Quiz & European Country Project

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm


High Medieval Europe & Islam Vocabulary Quiz (2)

Each unit will have one or two vocabulary quizzes that test how well you have learned key vocabulary words and concepts. Vocabulary quizzes are worth 25 points and the following is the breakdown:

  • 15 vocabulary matching questions (0.5 points each)

  • 3 academic vocabulary sentences (1 point each)

  • 4 multiple choice questions (0.5 points each)

  • 12.5 points are automatically given


  • Devotion

  • Circumstance

  • Establish

  • Region

  • Legal

  • Determined

  • Emphasize

  • Concept

Study with Quizlet!


European Country Project

You will be creating a Google Slides presentation on the country of your choice, your slides should include:

  • Symbols of the country

  • How the country unified

  • Early history of the country

  • What the country was doing in the Middle Ages

  • Major conflicts the country was involved in

  • The country’s relationship with neighboring countries

  • Major cities and population centers

  • Form of government (both in the past and today)

  • Culture and traditions of the country

  • What the country is like today

Google Classroom

European Country Project Rubric

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Achievements of Islamic Civilization (7)

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm


High Medieval Europe & Islam Readings

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

Achievements of Islamic Civilization

As Islam spread to many different lands, a distinctive Muslim culture developed. Muslims in different regions combined Arab culture and Islam with the Persian, Byzantine, Indian, and other cultures that existed before the coming of Muslim rule. Muslim scholars shared ideas and learned from Christian and Jewish scholars. Together, they studied ancient writings from Greece, Persia, and India. This collaboration led to advances in science, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, and the arts.

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The Reconquista (6)

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm


High Medieval Europe & Islam Readings

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

The Reconquista

By the early 700s, Muslims ruled most of the Iberian Peninsula, the peninsula where present-day Spain and Portugal are located. Under Muslim rule, a culture of great diversity developed there. Muslim, Jewish, and Christian communities exchanged knowledge and customs. But the political situation on the peninsula was unstable. Christian kingdoms waged a long campaign against the Muslims. In 1492, Spain’s multicultural society was finally swept away.

Google Classroom

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Expansion of the Muslim World (4)

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm


High Medieval Europe & Islam Readings

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

Expansion of the Muslim World

At the time of Muhammad’s death in 632, many tribes of Bedouin warriors had converted to Islam. United by Islam, these Arab tribes formed a powerful and skilled army. They began an expansion of Arab Muslim rule across three continents.

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High Medieval Europe & Islam Vocabulary Quiz & European Country Project

Second Period: 9:24am to 10:14am

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm


High Medieval Europe & Islam Vocabulary Quiz (1)

Each unit will have one or two vocabulary quizzes that test how well you have learned key vocabulary words and concepts. Vocabulary quizzes are worth 25 points and the following is the breakdown:

  • 15 vocabulary matching questions (0.5 points each)

  • 3 academic vocabulary sentences (1 point each)

  • 4 multiple choice questions (0.5 points each)

  • 12.5 points are automatically given


  • Clearly

  • Authority

  • Standardized

  • Transform

  • Expand

  • Submission

Study with Quizlet!


European Country Project

You will be creating a Google Slides presentation on the country of your choice, your slides should include:

  • Symbols of the country

  • How the country unified

  • Early history of the country

  • What the country was doing in the Middle Ages

  • Major conflicts the country was involved in

  • The country’s relationship with neighboring countries

  • Major cities and population centers

  • Form of government (both in the past and today)

  • Culture and traditions of the country

  • What the country is like today

Google Classroom

European Country Project Rubric

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