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Ancient & Medieval China Vocabulary Quiz & Zheng He DBQ Documents

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Ancient & Medieval China Vocabulary Quiz

Each unit will have one or two vocabulary quizzes that test how well you have learned key vocabulary words and concepts. Vocabulary quizzes are worth 25 points and the following is the breakdown:

  • 15 vocabulary matching questions (0.5 points each)

  • 3 academic vocabulary sentences (1 point each)

  • 4 multiple choice questions (0.5 points each)

  • 12.5 points are automatically given


  • Commercial

  • Device

  • Expand

  • Structure

  • Assemble

  • Major

Study with Quizlet!

Zheng He DBQ Documents

More than 60 years before the voyages of Christopher Columbus, a Chinese admiral by the name of Zheng He ("jeng-heh") sailed the western seas from China to the east coast of Africa and other points in the Indian Ocean. The size of his treasure ships and the number of boats in his fleet were breathtaking. The distances he sailed were greater than any recorded before that time. Despite this, the voyages of Zheng He were barely known to the world until recent years. This DBQ asks if he deserves better.

Google Classroom

January 27

Chinese Thought and Achievements (5)

January 31

Zheng He DBQ Essay