US History Assignments

Filtering by: “Colonial America”


Colonial America Essay Test

Fourth Period: 10:58am to 11:41am

Fifth Period: 12:16pm to 12:59pm

Sixth Period: 1:02pm to 1:50pm


Colonial America Assessment

Each unit will have one summative assessment at the end that test how well you have learned key standards and ideas. Unit assessments are worth 50 points and the following is the standard breakdown:

  • 15 vocabulary matching questions (1 point each)

  • 5 true/false questions (1 point each)

  • 18 multiple choice questions (1 points each)

  • 3 short answer questions (4 points each)

  • 1 extra credit short answer question (4 point maximum)

Study with Quizlet!

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Colonial America Assessment Review

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial America Assessment

Each unit will have one summative assessment at the end that test how well you have learned key standards and ideas. Unit assessments are worth 50 points and the following is the standard breakdown:

  • 15 vocabulary matching questions (1 point each)

  • 5 true/false questions (1 point each)

  • 18 multiple choice questions (1 points each)

  • 3 short answer questions (4 points each)

  • 1 extra credit short answer question (4 point maximum)

Study with Quizlet!

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Colonial America Cornell Notes

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial America Cornell Notes

Fill out the Cornell Notes sheet provided in class to review all of the information covered over the course of the unit. If you are out of class, please print out the attached PDF and watch the attached video to finish this assignment.

Note: This is a paper assignment, you will need to take a picture or add a video if we are online or you are on contract/independent study. If we are in-person, you do not need to do anything here.

Cornell Notes Sheet

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Colonial Era Geography Quiz & Cornell Notes

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial Era Geography Quiz

Like vocabulary quizzes, geography quizzes are also worth 25 points and will test how well you have learned certain aspects of American geography. For the quiz, you will have to match certain regions and/or countries with their location on the map. The following is the breakdown:

  • 25 matching questions (0.5 points each)

  • 12.5 points are automatically given

Study with Quizlet!


Colonial America Cornell Notes

Fill out the Cornell Notes sheet provided in class to review all of the information covered over the course of the unit. If you are out of class, please print out the attached PDF and watch the attached video to finish this assignment.

Note: This is a paper assignment, you will need to take a picture or add a video if we are online or you are on contract/independent study. If we are in-person, you do not need to do anything here.

Cornell Notes Sheet

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The French and Indian War (5)

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial America Readings & Checkpoints

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

The French and Indian War

By the mid-1700s, the major powers of Europe were locked in a worldwide struggle for empire. Britain, France, Spain, and the Netherlands competed for trade and colonies in far-flung corners of the globe. The British colonies in North America soon became caught up in the contest.

Google Classroom

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Colonial Era Map

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial Era Map

You will be creating a map of North America of the Colonial Era right before the French and Indian War. Your map should include the thirteen British Colonies, other British colonies, New France, and New Spain labeled. The map should be neatly colored and the more you include, the better!

North America Map

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Colonies Research & Colonial Era Map

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


The New World Colonies Research

You are going to choose one of the various colonies (or colony groupings) established by Britain, France, Spain, or Russia in the Americas and learning more about it.

You are going to be adding a slide to the attached document, please create your slide on your own document and then copy-and-paste it over into the class document. On your slide, you are going to need the following:

  • What country founded the colony.

  • When the colony was founded.

  • Why the colony was founded.

  • What the colony produced for the mother country.

  • Why people moved (or were forcibly relocated) to the colony.

  • How the colony became independent of their mother country (optional).

Your slide should also have a title with the colony's name as well as an image of the colony (map, painting). Once you are done with your slide, you will copy-and-paste it into the class document. Once everyone is done, we will have brief presentations (no more than 30-60 seconds each) about the colonies.

Google Classroom


Colonial Era Map

You will be creating a map of North America of the Colonial Era right before the French and Indian War. Your map should include the thirteen British Colonies, other British colonies, New France, and New Spain labeled. The map should be neatly colored and the more you include, the better!

North America Map

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North America Atlas (Colonial Era)

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


North America Atlas (Colonial Era)

As we go over the various geographic regions of North America, you will fill out the paper atlas that was passed out. The first checkpoint will include the first three sections. If you are out of class, please print out the attached PDF and watch the attached video to finish this assignment.

Note: This is a paper assignment, you do not need to do anything on Google Classroom.

Atlas of North America

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Colonial America Vocabulary Quiz & Colonies Research

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial America Vocabulary Quiz

Each unit will have one or two vocabulary quizzes that test how well you have learned key vocabulary words and concepts. Vocabulary quizzes are worth 25 points and the following is the breakdown:

  • 15 vocabulary matching questions (0.5 points each)

  • 3 academic vocabulary sentences (1 point each)

  • 4 multiple choice questions (0.5 points each)

  • 12.5 points are automatically given


  • Relatively

  • Fringe

  • Invest

  • Guideline

  • Sect

  • Deprive

  • Approach

  • Zeal

Study with Quizlet!


The New World Colonies Research

You are going to choose one of the various colonies (or colony groupings) established by Britain, France, Spain, or Russia in the Americas and learning more about it.

You are going to be adding a slide to the attached document, please create your slide on your own document and then copy-and-paste it over into the class document. On your slide, you are going to need the following:

  • What country founded the colony.

  • When the colony was founded.

  • Why the colony was founded.

  • What the colony produced for the mother country.

  • Why people moved (or were forcibly relocated) to the colony.

  • How the colony became independent of their mother country (optional).

Your slide should also have a title with the colony's name as well as an image of the colony (map, painting). Once you are done with your slide, you will copy-and-paste it into the class document. Once everyone is done, we will have brief presentations (no more than 30-60 seconds each) about the colonies.

Google Classroom

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A Tradition of Liberty and Rights (4)

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial America Readings & Checkpoints

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

A Tradition of Liberty and Rights

You have read about some of the ideas that shaped American views of democracy. In this lesson, you will read about the European thinkers whose new ways of thinking affected the American colonies.

Google Classroom

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The Thirteen English Colonies (3)

Fourth Period: 10:58am to 11:41am

Fifth Period: 12:16pm to 12:59pm

Sixth Period: 1:02pm to 1:50pm


Colonial America Readings & Checkpoints

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

The 13 English Colonies

England established its first American colony in 1607. In this section, you will learn how England set up 13 North American colonies. Today, we describe these colonies as being three distinct regions: New England, the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies.

Google Classroom

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Commerce and Colonies (2)

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial America Readings & Checkpoints

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

Commerce and Colonies

As you have read, Spain took the lead in the exploration, conquest, and colonization of the Americas. In this section, you will learn why other European nations were eager to start their own American colonies.

Google Classroom

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Jamestown Disaster DBQ Documents & Quick Write

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Early Jamestown: Why Did So Many Colonists Die?

In May 1607, about 110 Englishmen arrived at the mouth of a great bay on the coast of Virginia. It was to be the first permanent English colony in what is now the United States. The first years of settlement were not easy. This DBQ asks why so many colonists died.

Google Classroom


Jamestown Disaster DBQ Quick Write

Please write a paragraph or two explaining why so many colonists died in Jamestown. Be sure to cite at least one reason from the documents explaining why Jamestown almost ended in disaster.

Google Classroom

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The Voyages of Discovery (1)

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial America Readings & Checkpoints

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

The Voyages of Discovery

In the 1400s, people in Europe did not know about the two large masses of land across the Atlantic Ocean: North America and South America. In this lesson, you will learn how Europeans explored lands far from home.

Google Classroom

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Colonial America Assessment

Fourth Period: 10:58am to 11:41am

Fifth Period: 12:16pm to 12:59pm

Sixth Period: 1:02pm to 1:50pm


Colonial America Assessment

Each unit will have one summative assessment at the end that test how well you have learned key standards and ideas. Unit assessments are worth 50 points and the following is the standard breakdown:

  • 15 vocabulary matching questions (1 point each)

  • 5 true/false questions (1 point each)

  • 18 multiple choice questions (1 points each)

  • 3 short answer questions (4 points each)

  • 1 extra credit short answer question (4 point maximum)

Study with Quizlet!

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Colonial America Assessment Review

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial America Assessment

Each unit will have one summative assessment at the end that test how well you have learned key standards and ideas. Unit assessments are worth 50 points and the following is the standard breakdown:

  • 15 vocabulary matching questions (1 point each)

  • 5 true/false questions (1 point each)

  • 18 multiple choice questions (1 points each)

  • 3 short answer questions (4 points each)

  • 1 extra credit short answer question (4 point maximum)

Study with Quizlet!

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Colonial America Cornell Notes

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial America Cornell Notes

Fill out the Cornell Notes sheet provided in class to review all of the information covered over the course of the unit. If you are out of class, please print out the attached PDF and watch the attached video to finish this assignment.

Note: This is a paper assignment, you will need to take a picture or add a video if we are online or you are on contract/independent study. If we are in-person, you do not need to do anything here.

Cornell Notes Sheet

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Colonial Era Geography Quiz & Cornell Notes

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial Era Geography Quiz

Like vocabulary quizzes, geography quizzes are also worth 25 points and will test how well you have learned certain aspects of American geography. For the quiz, you will have to match certain regions and/or countries with their location on the map. The following is the breakdown:

  • 25 matching questions (0.5 points each)

  • 12.5 points are automatically given

Study with Quizlet!


Colonial America Cornell Notes

Fill out the Cornell Notes sheet provided in class to review all of the information covered over the course of the unit. If you are out of class, please print out the attached PDF and watch the attached video to finish this assignment.

Note: This is a paper assignment, you will need to take a picture or add a video if we are online or you are on contract/independent study. If we are in-person, you do not need to do anything here.

Cornell Notes Sheet

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The French and Indian War (5)

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial America Readings & Checkpoints

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

The French and Indian War

By the mid-1700s, the major powers of Europe were locked in a worldwide struggle for empire. Britain, France, Spain, and the Netherlands competed for trade and colonies in far-flung corners of the globe. The British colonies in North America soon became caught up in the contest.

Google Classroom

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Colonial Era Map

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial Era Map

You will be creating a map of North America of the Colonial Era right before the French and Indian War. Your map should include the thirteen British Colonies, other British colonies, New France, and New Spain labeled. The map should be neatly colored and the more you include, the better!

North America Map

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Colonies Research & Colonial Era Map

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


The New World Colonies Research

You are going to choose one of the various colonies (or colony groupings) established by Britain, France, Spain, or Russia in the Americas and learning more about it.

You are going to be adding a slide to the attached document, please create your slide on your own document and then copy-and-paste it over into the class document. On your slide, you are going to need the following:

  • What country founded the colony.

  • When the colony was founded.

  • Why the colony was founded.

  • What the colony produced for the mother country.

  • Why people moved (or were forcibly relocated) to the colony.

  • How the colony became independent of their mother country (optional).

Your slide should also have a title with the colony's name as well as an image of the colony (map, painting). Once you are done with your slide, you will copy-and-paste it into the class document. Once everyone is done, we will have brief presentations (no more than 30-60 seconds each) about the colonies.

Google Classroom


Colonial Era Map

You will be creating a map of North America of the Colonial Era right before the French and Indian War. Your map should include the thirteen British Colonies, other British colonies, New France, and New Spain labeled. The map should be neatly colored and the more you include, the better!

North America Map

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North America Atlas (Colonial Era)

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


North America Atlas (Colonial Era)

As we go over the various geographic regions of North America, you will fill out the paper atlas that was passed out. The first checkpoint will include the first three sections. If you are out of class, please print out the attached PDF and watch the attached video to finish this assignment.

Note: This is a paper assignment, you do not need to do anything on Google Classroom.

Atlas of North America

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Colonial America Vocabulary Quiz & Colonies Research

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial America Vocabulary Quiz

Each unit will have one or two vocabulary quizzes that test how well you have learned key vocabulary words and concepts. Vocabulary quizzes are worth 25 points and the following is the breakdown:

  • 15 vocabulary matching questions (0.5 points each)

  • 3 academic vocabulary sentences (1 point each)

  • 4 multiple choice questions (0.5 points each)

  • 12.5 points are automatically given


  • Relatively

  • Fringe

  • Invest

  • Guideline

  • Sect

  • Deprive

  • Approach

  • Zeal

Study with Quizlet!


The New World Colonies Research

You are going to choose one of the various colonies (or colony groupings) established by Britain, France, Spain, or Russia in the Americas and learning more about it.

You are going to be adding a slide to the attached document, please create your slide on your own document and then copy-and-paste it over into the class document. On your slide, you are going to need the following:

  • What country founded the colony.

  • When the colony was founded.

  • Why the colony was founded.

  • What the colony produced for the mother country.

  • Why people moved (or were forcibly relocated) to the colony.

  • How the colony became independent of their mother country (optional).

Your slide should also have a title with the colony's name as well as an image of the colony (map, painting). Once you are done with your slide, you will copy-and-paste it into the class document. Once everyone is done, we will have brief presentations (no more than 30-60 seconds each) about the colonies.

Google Classroom

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A Tradition of Liberty and Rights (4)

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial America Readings & Checkpoints

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

A Tradition of Liberty and Rights

You have read about some of the ideas that shaped American views of democracy. In this lesson, you will read about the European thinkers whose new ways of thinking affected the American colonies.

Google Classroom

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The 13 English Colonies (3)

Fourth Period: 10:58am to 11:41am

Fifth Period: 12:16pm to 12:59pm

Sixth Period: 1:02pm to 1:50pm


Colonial America Readings & Checkpoints

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

The 13 English Colonies

England established its first American colony in 1607. In this section, you will learn how England set up 13 North American colonies. Today, we describe these colonies as being three distinct regions: New England, the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies.

Google Classroom

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Commerce and Colonies (2)

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial America Readings & Checkpoints

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

Commerce and Colonies

As you have read, Spain took the lead in the exploration, conquest, and colonization of the Americas. In this section, you will learn why other European nations were eager to start their own American colonies.

Google Classroom

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Jamestown Disaster DBQ Documents & Quick Write

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Early Jamestown: Why Did So Many Colonists Die?

In May 1607, about 110 Englishmen arrived at the mouth of a great bay on the coast of Virginia. It was to be the first permanent English colony in what is now the United States. The first years of settlement were not easy. This DBQ asks why so many colonists died.

Google Classroom


Jamestown Disaster DBQ Quick Write

Please write a paragraph or two explaining why so many colonists died in Jamestown. Be sure to cite at least one reason from the documents explaining why Jamestown almost ended in disaster.

Google Classroom

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The Voyages of Discovery (1)

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial America Readings & Checkpoints

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

The Voyages of Discovery

In the 1400s, people in Europe did not know about the two large masses of land across the Atlantic Ocean: North America and South America. In this lesson, you will learn how Europeans explored lands far from home.

Google Classroom

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Colonial America Assessment

First Period: 8:30am to 9:13am

Third Period: 10:12am to 10:55am

Sixth Period: 1:02pm to 1:50pm


Colonial America Assessment

Each unit will have one summative assessment at the end that test how well you have learned key standards and ideas. Unit assessments are worth 50 points and the following is the standard breakdown:

  • 15 vocabulary matching questions (1 point each)

  • 5 true/false questions (1 point each)

  • 18 multiple choice questions (1 points each)

  • 3 short answer questions (4 points each)

  • 1 extra credit short answer question (4 point maximum)

Study with Quizlet!

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Colonial America Assessment Review

First Period: 8:30am to 9:21am

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm


Colonial America Assessment

Each unit will have one summative assessment at the end that test how well you have learned key standards and ideas. Unit assessments are worth 50 points and the following is the standard breakdown:

  • 15 vocabulary matching questions (1 point each)

  • 5 true/false questions (1 point each)

  • 18 multiple choice questions (1 points each)

  • 3 short answer questions (4 points each)

  • 1 extra credit short answer question (4 point maximum)

Study with Quizlet!

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