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The French and Indian War (5)

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm

Colonial America Readings & Checkpoints

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we did a section of the readings, the questions will be due the same day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available the next day to start the class period (unless there were other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

The French and Indian War

By the mid-1700s, the major powers of Europe were locked in a worldwide struggle for empire. Britain, France, Spain, and the Netherlands competed for trade and colonies in far-flung corners of the globe. The British colonies in North America soon became caught up in the contest.

Google Classroom

August 21

Colonial Era Map

August 23

Colonial Era Geography Quiz & Cornell Notes