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Colonial Era Geography Quiz & Enlightenment Gallery Walk

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm

Colonial Era Geography Quiz

Like vocabulary quizzes, geography quizzes are also worth 25 points and will test how well you have learned certain aspects of American geography. For the quiz, you will have to match certain regions and/or countries with their location on the map. The following is the breakdown:

  • 25 matching questions (0.5 points each)

  • 12.5 points are automatically given

Study with Quizlet!

Enlightenment Gallery Walk

Today, we will be doing a gallery walk activity where you will be walking around the room and looking at a number of images. Each station will have an image of a great Enlightenment thinker. On your Chromebook, you will need to write about the significance of each thinker and why you think their philosophies are relevant in the modern day.

Google Classroom

September 8

Colonial Era Map

September 10

Enlightenment Quick Write & Colonial Era Map