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Enlightenment Quick Write & Colonial Era Map

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm

Enlightenment Quick Write

After going through the Enlightenment Readings, you should have a pretty good idea what each Enlightenment thinker's ideas were. Think critically about their thoughts, ideas, and views and then answer the following: which Enlightenment philosopher do you most agree with?

Your answer should be at least one full paragraph. A paragraph contains 5-8 complete sentences. For more information, feel free to visit the links on Google Classroom.

Google Classroom

Colonial Era Map

You will be creating a map of North America of the Colonial Era right before the French and Indian War.

Your map should include the thirteen British Colonies, other British colonies, New France, and New Spain labeled. The map should be neatly colored and the more you include, the better!

North America Map

September 9

Colonial Era Geography Quiz & Enlightenment Gallery Walk

September 13

Growing Resentment Against Britain (1)