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African Mask Art Project & Medieval Africa Quick Write

Third Period: 10:27am to 11:17am

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

African Mask Art Project

Over the course of the week, you will be making a mask based on an animal native to the African continent. As you have read, traditional masks were (and still are) and important part of African culture. In order to receive full credit, you will need to remain on-task and be respectful while in the art room.

Google Classroom

Medieval Africa Quick Write

What do you think you know about Africa? What kind of preconceived notions do you have about the continent?

Now that you have learned a little bit about Africa by reviewing its geography and some of the continent's most important cultural sites, has any of those ideas and thoughts about Africa changed at all?

You will need to write two full paragraphs. The first paragraph should be about what you think of when you hear somebody talking about Africa and the second paragraph should be about how your opinions on the continent have already changed and/or what you want to learn about Africa.

Google Classroom

November 29

African Mask Art Project

December 1

Collaboration Day