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Age of Jackson Essay Test & Mexican-American War Map

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm

Age of Jackson Essay Test

For the "Age of Jackson" subunit, you will be taking an essay test to better prepare for a common high school assessment type. You will be given five prompts and on your test, three of the five will be provided. You will then need to answer two of the three with two paragraphs or more. Each student will be allowed a 2x3 notecard to use on the test. The possible prompts are as follows:

1) What was the spoils system, who implemented it and why? Also, why did many people disapprove of it?

2) Compare and contrast the views of the Democrats, led by Andrew Jackson, and the Whigs, led by Daniel Webster and Henry Clay, regarding the Bank of the United States.

3) Describe the Nullification Crisis, how it was related to the U.S. Constitution, and how the crisis was resolved.

4) What happens during a depression? How did the policies of Andrew Jackson lead to a depression and what were the political consequences?

5) Why were white settlers and American Indians typically unable to live peacefully in neighboring areas? As a result of this, how did the Indian Removal Act lead to the Trail of Tears?

Google Classroom

Essay Test Rubric

Mexican-American War Map

You will be creating a map of the United States and México during the Mexican-American War. Your map should include details from the conflict, including:

  • 10 cities (at least six American cities and four Mexican cities)

  • 6 major battles.

Your map should be creative and neat. You can earn extra credit for including extra details!

Mexican-America War Blank Map

January 7

Age of Jackson Vocabulary Quiz & Territorial Evolution Geography

January 11

Westward Movement (5)