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Division and the Outbreak of War (3)

Fourth Period: 10:58am to 11:41am

Fifth Period: 12:16pm to 12:59pm

Sixth Period: 1:02pm to 1:50pm

Sectionalism & Civil War Readings & Checkpoints

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we start a reading, the questions will be due the next day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available after school for homework (unless there are other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

Division and the Outbreak of War

The Republican National Convention for the presidential election of 1860 took place in Chicago, Illinois. Abraham Lincoln faced William Seward for the nomination. Seward was a U.S. senator for New York. Lincoln, whose fame had increased during the Lincoln-Douglas debates in 1858, won the nomination.

Google Classroom

March 6

Collaboration Day

March 7

Sectionalism & Civil War Vocabulary Quiz & Outlining