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Executive Department Project

Fourth Period: 10:58am to 11:41am

Fifth Period: 12:16pm to 12:59pm

Sixth Period: 1:02pm to 1:50pm

Executive Department Project

You will be creating a slide for one of the main executive departments or one of the other important federal agencies. You will need to present your slide and it should contain the following:

  • Department Name

  • When was it established?

    • Under Which President? Why did they establish it?

  • First Secretary/Leader

    • Their Previous Experience

  • Current Secretary/Leader

    • Their Previous Experience

  • What does the department do?

Some of this information should be on your notecard/printed paper when you are presenting. Remember! Your slide should be readable and should not contain too much information. All extra information should be presented to the class.

Google Classroom

December 18

Collaboration Day

December 19

Executive Department Project