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French Revolution Discussion & Quick Write

Fourth Period: 11:20am to 12:09pm

Fifth Period: 12:49pm to 1:39pm

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm

French Revolution Videos & Discussion

Over the course of the next couple of days, we will be discussing the French Revolution and its impact not only on the United States and its quest to remain neutral, but on the world as a whole. The subsequent French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars were a turning point in the history of the world that led directly to the unification of Germany, the Age of Imperialism, the World Wars, and finally, the modern world order.

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Oversimplified (French Revolution): Part OnePart Two

Oversimplified (Napoléon): Part OnePart Two

French Revolution & Napoleonic Wars Quick Write

Pick one of the following prompts:

  1. Think about the long-lasting global impact that the French Revolution and the subsequent wars have had on the world. Was Washington (and later Adams) right to remain neutral? Should the United States have gotten involved to have a say in the peace process? The second argument was something that those in favor of the United States joining the First World War made a hundred years later.

  2. Was the United States justified in going to war against France following the XYZ Affair? Were the war hawks in the Federalist Party right in their assessment of the situation? Would Jefferson’s Democratic-Republican Party, the anti-war party, have withered and died because of their stance against the war (much like the Federalist Party withered due to its stance against war in 1812)?

  3. Was Napoléon a hero of the common folk or was he a power hungry despot? While he did overthrow the incredibly chaotic and dysfunctional First French Republic and declare himself emperor, he did champion many reforms that improved the lives of people across Europe. Think back to seventh grade and draw comparisons between Napoléon and Julius Caesar.

Be sure to think out your answer carefully and bring in examples from the extra credit readings, our class discussion, and/or the Oversimplified videos. Write at least two full paragraphs when formulating your response.

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November 16

French Revolution Videos & Discussion

November 19

Thanksgiving Break