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Washington’s Presidency (1)

Sixth Period: 1:42pm to 2:32pm

Early America & Canadian History Readings & Checkpoints

Over the course of the unit, we will be going through different sections of the textbook in class. Whenever we start a reading, the questions will be due the next day and there will be a reading checkpoint made available after school for homework (unless there are other instructions). The Google Forms online correspond to a specific topic/lesson in the textbook.

Washington’s Presidency

George Washington was inaugurated in New York City on April 30, 1789. A presidential inauguration is the ceremony in which the President officially takes the oath of office. A witness reported that the new President looked “grave, almost to sadness.” Washington, no doubt, felt a great burden. He knew that Americans were looking to him to make the new government work.

Google Classroom

November 15

First Day of the Second Trimester

November 16

A Two-Party System Develops (2) and Political Party Project